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Отредактировано Muse (2007-10-23 18:25:01)



Noblesse Quests!

Path of a Noblesse, Possessor of a Precious Soul – 1

This quest must be completed to start Path of a Noblesse, Possessor of a Precious Soul – 2 and to become a Noblesse.
Start Level
Start Location
Tower of Aden

Prerequisite: Subclass Level 50
Required materials: 1 Hellfire Oil, 5 Lunaragents

Start the quest at Talien, who is on the east side of the stairs leading up to Aden Church. He's on the staircase.

Teleport to Giran. Speak to Gabrielle, who is on the South side of the town square

Go to the entrance to Dragon Valley and speak to Gilmore. (If it is Seven Signs rewards week, you can port there if your side won).

Teleport to Dion. Teleport to the beehive. Go slightly to the northeast of the port location. You will find a cave with the Quest Monsters you have to kill. If you can't find the cave, open up your map and look at the yellow thumbtack. If you are right on top of the thumbtack and can't see the monsters, you are on the hill above the cave and need to go to the south to find the entrance to the cave. Kill the medusa looking quest monster and get the quest item.

Teleport to Aden. Speak to Talien. Teleport to Saints Necropolis. SOE to Heine. Go to the Magic Trader and speak to the Melody Maestro dwarf there.

Teleport to Giran. Teleport to Dragon Valley. Run west. Kill Malruk Succubus and Malruk Succubus Tauren until you get 10 talons. You have to kill a lot to get the 10 talons, the quest item drop rate for this quest is very low. It is not a last hit required quest, the drop rate just sucks. Return to Heine and speak with that dwarf again.

Teleport back up to Aden. Talk to Talien. (I forget if he send you to HV here or not). Teleport to Rune. Teleport to the Run Castle Town Temple. Run through the temple to find Virgil, one of the three NPCs on a balcony. Get to know them well because they're all about these Noblesse Quests. Talk to him, he'll have you talk to the other two NPCs, one of which is his GrandDaughter.

Teleport to Rune Castle Town Guild. Run in and talk to the NPC there (I forget his name). Teleport back to Rune Castle Town Store, which will put you next to the GK.

Teleport to the Western Entrance of the Swamp of Screams. Kill Splinter Stakato Drones, which are matk resist and archer resist. They bleed. You will not be able to do this part of the quest alone at level 50. Everything here is social and aggressive. It is not a last hit required quest, the drop rate just sucks. You will obtain crimson moss. When you have 5, return to the NPC in the Rune Guild, who makes the medecine.

Teleport back to the Temple. Speak to the girl. She's happy and cured. Yay. Talk to Virgil again. He'll send you to Goddard to talk to Caradine. Teleport there. She's to the Northeast of the GK on the outer edge of town.

Speak to Caradine and she'll send you to the blacksmith two shops over. He'll tell he needs one hellfire oil and 5 lunaragents (from the supplier of reagants quest in IT). Get them, go back to the blacksmith then back to Caradine and finish the quest. You'll receive experience, and Virgil's Letter. Which tells you that Virgil needs your help RIGHT AWAY! OH NO!

Congratulations, you've now completed Part 1. Only 3 Parts to go. Go see Virgil to start Part 2


Path of a Noblesse, Possessor of a Precious Soul – 2

This quest must be completed to start Path of a Noblesse, Possessor of a Precious Soul – 3 and to become a Noblesse.
Start Level
Start Location
Rune Castle Town

Prerequisite: Subclass Level 60; Completed Path of a Noblesse, Possessor of a Precious Soul – 1

Remember, Virgil needed your help RIGHT NOW. So why aren't you there already? You are? OK good, start the quest (Rune Castle Town, teleport to temple, out on the balcony in case you forgot and didn't go help him right away). His grand daughter had a horrible dream about a princess who needed help. DO IT!

This part is all a little fuzzy for me right now. I don't remember the exact order, I'll update it when I go through my screenshots. I believe you have to go find a bunch of angels and a nasty looking NPC. I think the angels are around the Swamp of Screams, just follow the yellow thumbtack. Talk to him and he'll tell you he tried to save the princess and had to kill all these angels. He doesn't know where she went. You inspect the bodies of the angles, they'll disappear. Eventually they'll respawn. Keep doing this until you find a single blonde hair. Talk to the NPC again and he'll tell you to go to Witch Calis near IT, who owes him a favor, to cast a spell to find out where the princess is.

Teleport to Ivory Tower, speak to Witch Calis to the east of IT (the same one for the level 5 class change quest) who tells you she needs supplies for her spell to work. So run to Alchemist Matild (who is housesitting for Calis) to the West of IT to get the supplies, then back to Calis. I'm really not sure which is next here. Its either teleport around talking to NPCs or head straight to valley of the saints.

Head through the valley of the saints till you find a cave where the thumbtack is. Kill the quest monsters (they're not social) and get orbs of binding. They're not last hit, and 100% drop rate so someone in your party gets one everytime. This part was a bit weird for us. I would suggest having one person (whoever gets 4 first) speak to all the seals and use the orbs to unseal the unicorn. If you don't, the seals will respawn and you'll have to keep doing it, but I think it keeps track of how many seals you've undone. The 4th seal will take all of your orbs of binding. So its not worth trying to get more. After you do your 4th seal, speak to the unicorn, who magically comes alive and is really the princess. Hooray you saved her. Now...yep...back to Virgil!

After talking to Virgil and those three NPCs there, you'll get experience and Caradine's Letter, which you need to start the next Noblesse Quest. But at least its not RIGHT NOW! But you should head to Caradine in Goddard anyways to start the quest once your subclass hits 65.


Path of a Noblesse, Possessor of a Precious Soul – 3

This quest must be completed to start Path of a Noblesse, Possessor of a Precious Soul – 4 and to become a Noblesse.
Start Level
Start Location
Goddard Castle Town

Prerequisite: Subclass Level 65; Path of a Noblesse, Possessor of a Precious Soul – 1 & 2

Talk to Caradine in Goddard Castle Town. You'll find out the Princess is weak and needs some special items to unseal her powers and break free of a curse. So of course YOU and only YOU can save the princess by getting these items.

Again, because these quests are so amazing, I repressed some of the memories so I'm not 100% sure on some parts of this (if you have to teleport to different places first). I'll update when I go through my screenshots. I think you actually go back to Rune and speak to Virgil & company again before killing the monsters, but I can't really remember.

You'll first be asked to get some items from the Valley of the Saints monsters, Pilgrim of Splendor (which is actually Shine, its a translation error) and Judge of Splendor (Shine). Teleport to the entrance of the Valley of Saints (from Seven Signs priest), or run there. From the entrance, run into the valley and to the right (southeast). Go up top across a bridge. Turn right. You'll find Pilgrims of Shine here. They're a group monster, and all three monsters nuke. Kill a bunch until you get the quest item you need.

Run around up top until you find the Judges. Again, all three monsters nuke. Kill them until you get the quest item you need. Neither are last hit.

Bring the items back and you find you need a third one. To get it you have to kill the princess' nemesis, a level 70 raid boss in the Valley of Saints called Barakiel (its splendor/shine something or other but there are typos aplently so its hard to tell what its real name is beyond something Barakiel). He's all the way to the northeast in the Valley of the Saints. Follow the yellow thumbtack. You'll see what looks like a translucent wall. Go through it to see the raid boss. Kill him. If you are strong, you can solo him. If you aren't, get a bunch of people together who need the quest. Only the people in the party who gets last hit on the raid boss will receive the quest item.

Once you have the item, return to the NPC who sent you there. You then get to sent to IT. Hooray you saved the princess! And you'll get experience and a letter to start the fourth and final Noblesse Quest. You are almost there. Now you just have to hit 75 on your subclass!


Path of a Noblesse, Possessor of a Precious Soul – 4

This quest must be completed to become a Noblesse.
Start Level
Start Location
Goddard Castle Town

Prerequisite: Subclass Level 75; Path of a Noblesse, Possessor of a Precious Soul – 1, 2 & 3

Speak to Caradine in Goddard. Her master wants to talk to you. She will teleport you to her when you are ready. Go there right away!

You'll be teleported to the Coliseum next to the Lady of the Lake. Talk to her and you'll find out that she's actually the Goddess Eva! She asks for your eternal support in this strife-ridden world. If you pledge it, you become a Noblesse and receive the Noblesse Tiara as an accessory. Congratulations! You are now a Noblesse (yes it works on both main classes and subclasses).



Retail Subclass: Fate's Whisper


1. Start quest at East of Town of Oren Castle, speak to Maestro Reorin. He will ask you to free his wife Reiria by slaying Shilen’s Messenger Cabrio and get back soul orb.

2. Shilen’s Messenger Cabrio locate at North-East of The Cemetery. A box will spawn out after Shilen’s Messenger Cabrio dies, you will receive Reiria’s soul orb by opening it.

3. Take the soul orb back to Maestro Reorin, he will ask you to go Tower of Insolence to kill 3 Raid Bosses to get 3 Infernium Scepters. A box will spawn out after Raid Boss dies, you will receive Infernium Scepters by opening it.

Tower of Insolence 3rd floor – Death Lord Hallate

Tower of Insolence 8th floor – Demon Kernon

Tower of Insolence 11th floor – Golkonda, the Longhorn General

4. Return 3 Infernium Scepters to Maestro Reorin, he will ask you head to Town of Oren to look for Warehouse Freightman Cliff to get Infernium Varnish for Neutralization of Infernium Scepter. Warehouse Freightman Cliff is locates at middle of Town of Oren.

5. Return Infernium Varnish to Maestro Reorin, he will ask you to make a trip to Town of Aden meet Head Blacksmith Ferris to get his Hammer in order to make A grade weapon. Head Blacksmith Ferris is locates at east side of Town of Aden.

6 Return Maestro Reorin’s Hammer, now he needs his Mold from Trader Zenkin (oren).
Trader Zenkin says he sold the Mold to Master Kaspar at Hardins Private Academy.

7.Master Kaspar says in order to get the Mold, you will need to get Baium’s blood by using the Pipette Knife that Master Kaspar gives you. To enter Baium’s room, you need to get Blooded Fabric from An Arrogant Search quest.

8. Click the Angelic Vertex with Blooded Fabric and enter the room, click on Baium and wake it. Hit Baium with Pipette Knife to collect its blood.
Angelic Vertex locates at 12th floor of Tower of Insolence.

9. Return to Master Kaspar and exchange for the Mold.

10. Prepare your class type highest B grade weapon (Without enchant and Special ability.) and 984 Crystal-B and return the Mold to Maestro Reorin. He will reward your class type 2nd A grade weapon and Star of Destiny which is a quest item for Subclass quest.

List for B grade weapons
DeadMan's Glory
Art of Battle Axe
Staff of Evil Spirits
Sword of Damascus
Bellion Cestus
Bow of Peril


Retail Subclass: Mimir's Elixir


Start Level
Start Location
Ivory Tower
Enchant Weapon Scroll (Grade A)

Before you start the quest:
- You must be level 75.
- You must have finished the Fate's Whisper (A Grade Weapon) quest
in order to start your path to a subclass.

This quest involves doing two different quests. Mimir's Elixir quest is the main quest, but in order to finish it you need to also have the Supplier of Reageants quest (A grade armor recipe/mat quest) registered.

1. Talk to Magister Ladd at 4th floor of Ivory Tower
Ladd tells you to bring him Pure Silver, which can only be gotten through the other quest - Supplier of Reageants.

2. Talk to Supplier Wesley at basment of Ivory Tower
He will give you the Supplier of Reageants quest which is needed to get the quest items. Once you've got this quest, you can talk to the Cauldron located in the basement and see various things you can make by combining quest items.
The only formulas you need to know from this list are:
10 Moonstone shards + 1 Volcano Ash = 1 Moondust
10 Moondust + 1 Quick Silver = 1 Lunagent
1 Lunagent + 1 Quick Silver = 1 Pure Silver

3. Hunt Halate's Maids and Hames Orc Shaman
100 Moonstone Shards from Halate's Maids on 3rd floor of Toi
10 Volcano ashes from Hames Orc Shaman in Blazing Swamps
2 Quick Silver. Quick Silver drops from both Halate's Maids and Hames Orc Shamans

4. Bring back the collected items to ivory Tower
Once you've collected all items, go back to the Cauldron in IT and combine them according to the formulae to get Pure Silver. You can gamble a bit on the lesser reagents and select a high temperature to get more than one. Choose 1 degree to be safe and not risk failure.
However, you must choose 1 degree when making the Pure Silver. This is specified in the quest.

5. Bring the Pure Silver to Ladd on 4th floor of IT.
He will tell you he needs True Gold.

6. Talk to Magister Joann on 3rd floor IT.
She will ask you to go to Field of Silence to hunt Chimera Piece? to get a Stone of Wisdom.

7. Hunt Chimera Piece under Giant's Cave in Field of Silence
The drop is determined by most damage done. The mob is easy so even healer classes shouldn't have a problem soloing it. Once you've got the Stone of Wisdom go back to IT.

8. Talk to Magister Joann in IT again.
Give her the stone. Get the True Gold.

9. Talk to Ladd at 4th floor IT
Give him the True Gold.

10. Hunt Bloody Guardians
Hunt bloody guardians in DVC for a Blood Fire. These drop to whoever gets last hit.

11. Back to IT
Now combine Pure Silver and True Gold together with the Blood Fire in the Cauldron in IT basement to get Mimir's Elixir.
Use 3rd degree to combine.
(There's been rumours that this has a chance of failing but I've yet to hear of anyone actually failing. So no worries.)

12. Bring Mimir's Elixir to Ladd
Once you've talked to Ladd the elixir should disappear from the inventory and the quest will be completed.
You will get an A grade weapon enchant as a bonus.
(Don't try to use the elixir as it may bug out the quest.)

Training your Subclass
You now have earned the right to train 1 subclass. Talk to the blacksmith, Grand Master, Grand magister... etc.. depending on the class you want to train.
(For example if you want to sub Gladiator you would talk to the Grand Master at human trainers.)
Same logic applies if you want to switch back to your main class. You would go talk to the Grand Master that applies to your main class.

Keep in mind the restrictions in choosing your subclass
1. Elves and Dark Elves cannot choose each others' classes as subclass
2. You can't choose Overlord or Warsmith
3. A similar class cannot be chosen for a subclass. Similar groups of classes are
- Treasure Hunter, Plain Walker, Abyss Walker
- Hawkeye, Silver Ranger, Phantom Ranger
- Paladin, Dark Avenger, Temple Knight, Shillien Knight
- Warlock, Elemental Summoner, Phantom Summoner
- Sorcerer, Spell Singer, Spell Howler
To view what subclasses are available for your class, you should go to the Official Site's Available Subclass Tool

Other Notes:
1. You can change the subjob you've chosen,
2. Once your subjob is level 75 you can do Mimir's Elixir quest again to train another subjob,
3. You can choose upto 3 subjobs,
4. Beware of changes in weight capacity when you switch to your subjob,
5. All buffs disappear when you switch to subjob,
6. The sin eater quest disappears when you switch classes.
Congratulations on completing your path to a subjob.



Antharas Quest

Audience with the Land Dragon

To begin this quest, talk to Gabrielle in Giran Castle Town and received quest item Feather of Gabrielle. She will ask to get four Marks of Watchman from the following people in any order:
# 1. Magister Kaiena of Ivory Tower
# 2. Prefect Chakiris of Hunter's Village
# 3. Master Kendra of Aden Castle Town
# 4. High Priest Orven of Aden Castle Town

MAGISTER KAIENA is on the fourth floor of Ivory Tower at the Dark Elven Wizard Guild. She will ask you to get 1 quest item Marsh Drake Talon by killing Marsh Drakes (Level 55 aggro in Forsaken Plains) and Marsh Stalker Horn by killing Marsh Stalkers (Level 54 passive in Forsaken Plains). Once completed, Kaiena will give you a Mark of Watchman.

PREFECT CHAKIRIS is standing next to High Prefect Garuarentz at the Orc Guild in Hunter's Village. He will ask you to get 1 quest item Kranrot Skin by killing Kranrot (Level 59 aggro in Giant's Cave) and Hamrut Leg by killing Hamrut(Level 58 passive in Giant's Cave). Once completed, Chakiris will give you a Mark of Watchman.

MASTER KENDRA is in the Warrior Guild on the east side of Aden Castle Town. She will ask you to get 1 quest item Totem of Land Dragon by killing Harit Lizardman Shaman, west and north of Anghel Waterfall. After killing a Shaman, Harit Lizardman Zealots will spawn and you can kill them for the Totem. Once completed, Kendra will give you a Mark of Watchman.

HIGH PRIEST ORVEN is in the Einhasad Temple of Aden Castle TOnw. He will ask you to get 1 quest item Remains of Sacrificed by killing Bloody Queen (Level 60 aggro outside of Dragon Valley Cave). You actually have to kill the Bloody Queen's minions that spawn after the Queen is killed. They are easy. Once completed, Orven will give you a Mark of Watchman.

With all 4 Marks of Watchman, return to Gabrielle in Giran, who asks you to get another 2 Marks of Watchman from the following Guardians of the Seal.
# 1. Warehouse Chief Moke of Gludin
# 2. Blacksmith Helton of Oren

WAREHOUSE CHIEF MOKE is in the warehouse of Gludin Town. He asks you to get the 2 quest items 1st Fragment of the Abyss Jewel; and proof Mara Fang. Despite Moke telling you to go to Gludio, the Abyss Jewel 1 is in the northwest shores of Gludin by Windy Hills (-81304, 75634, -3360 or X=39.25 by Y=47.5). To get the fragment, you only have to hit the Abyss Jewel a few times as it has uber hp, but you also need to wait for his 15+ minions to spawn after 1/2 hp. Then start running, because they will kill you if they hit you all at once. The minions are slow, so you need to pick them off. Try to have a party for this part. After killing a couple of minions, you should get the item Mara Fang. Then keep attacking the Abyss Jewel until you earn the 1st Fragment of Abyss Jewel. Once completed, Moke will give you a Mark of Watchman.

BLACKSMITH HELTON is in the Blacksmith Shop in the eastern part of Oren. He asks you to get the 2 quest items 2nd Fragment of the Abyss Jewel and proof Musfel Fang. The Abyss Jewel 2 is located outside of Sea of Spores, so you can port from Oren Gatekeeper and run south a little. Same strategy here. Once completed, Helton will give you a Mark of Watchman.

With all 2 Marks of Watchman, return to Gabrielle in Giran to receive Herald of Slayer.

Go to Watchman of the Land Dragon Antharas Gilmore at the entrance of Dragon Valley. You have to run from Giran through Death Pass. Gilmore will send you into Dragon Valley. Head back to Giran and port from Giran Gatekeeper to Dragon Valley. From there, kill either a Cave Keeper (passive) or Cave Maiden (aggro). Once killed, 5-6 Jewel Guardian minions will spawn along with Abyss Jewel 3. Kill them and attack the Abyss Jewel 3 and get the 3rd Fragment of the Abyss Jewel.

Then go to Watchman of the Land Dragon Antharas Theodric at the entrance to DVC (Antharas' Lair) to turn in the last fragment. You will received the Portal Stone, which you can use at the Heart of Warding to teleport into Antharas' Nest. You can repeat this quest and have multiple portal stones at once.



Baium Quest

An Arrogant Search

1. The quest starts in Aden Castle Town. Go to the Dark Elf Guild and talk to Hanellin.

2. She asks you to bring her back a titan power stone You can obtain this by hunting Lesser elder, or lesser mage giants at Giants Cave.

3. Return to the Dark Elf Guild, and speak to Hanellin again.

4. Talk to Athebalt, she is out the north exit towards the castle.

5. Go to the Cemetary, close to where the raid boss is and talk to this chest. An angel will appear, you will have to fight him. Then talk to the chest again. Once you've done this return to Athebalt.

Now go to Giran. And talk to Martien.

6. You'll have to run out of Giran towards Dion. The chest is up on a mountain. You will have to talk to the cheast then an archer (looks like a platnum tribe) appears, he is easy to disposed of. Talk to the chest.

7. Go now to Dark Eleven Village. Once there go to the Dark Elf Temple to the north. Go inside and speak to Magister Harne.

8. You'll run out of Dark Eleven Village and head south towards the mountians. Once there you'll find the arc guardians corpse. TALK TO THIS FIRST NOT THE CHEST! When you talk to it, this nasty angel killer guy appears. So of course you'll have to lay the smack down on his unholy arse. (Holy Weapon, Disrupt Undead and Might of Heaven works on him, especially the last two makes the fight alot easier) Talk to the corpse to get the key then talk to the chest.Go back to Dark Eleven Village and talk to Magister Harne then return to Giran and talk to Martien.

-The corpse is up a small ravine. and sitting by its self.

-The chest isn't near the Guardian but go back down the ravine and to the left you'll see large rocks, the chest is there.

9. Return to Aden, and talk to Hanellin again. She gives you a shopping list. Go buy 1 healing pot and 5 antidotes, then return to her.

10. Once you return to her, she asks some questions. One of this questions is if you want to see the emporor or if you want to earn money. no matter what you choose, yo will get the white cloth and 49k adena. but it does matter for the later part of that quest. (see next step for details)

11. Form a group and go hunt Platinum Tribe Shamans and Overlords to obtain the bloody fabrics. Once you have the bloody fabric, only talk to the NPC again if you have choosen the 'earn money'-option at step 10. if you have choosen the 'visit the emporor'-option the quest will end here if you talk to the NPC again.
depending on your class she will give a low a grade weapon part, 2 syntetic cokes and, the most important thing, 9 more white fabrics (!!).

12. Now you have to do the same thing with the remaining 9 white fabrics on the Seal Angels and Guardian Angels. You can go and visit baium with any number of bloody fabrics, just don't talk to the NPC again.




Clan Level 5 Quest

Proof of Aspiration (for Clan Level 5)

1. Talk to Sir Gustaf Athebaldt (Oren). He expresses his desire to aid young and courageous leaders
for the future of the kingdom. He promises to give you the Proof of Expectation, which is needed when
expanding the clan's powers and influences, should you consent to joining forces with him. Sir Athebaldt
asks you to aid him in preparing for the attack against the green dragon Antharas.
2. Talk to Martien (Giran).
3. Martien asks you to collect eggs: Thunder Wyrm eggs, Drake eggs, Blitz Wyrm eggs and Mist Drake eggs.
4. Hunt Thunder Wyrms and Drakes for the first 2 sets of eggs, around the middle part of the Valley of Dragons.
5. Find Corpse of Fritz in the Valley of Dragons; it is under the "D" in "Dragons" on the in game map
(104K, 117K). Get 3 Blitz Wyrm Eggs and 2 Blitz Wyrms will appear; kill them.
6. Find Corpse of Lutz; it is above the "s" in "Dragons" (112K, 113K). Get 3 Blitz Wyrm Eggs and 4 Mist
Drake eggs. This also spawns 2 Blitz Wyrms.
7. Find Corpse of Kurtz; it is north of the entrance to Antharas' Lair (125K, 110K). Get 6 Mist eggs
and a Brooch for his brother.
8. Talk to Head Blacksmith Kusto (Giran). He gives you a Black Anvil Coin for the Brooch.
9. Return to Martien, and then go back to Sir Gustaf again.
10. Talk to Balthazar (Hunters' Village).
11. Go to the Giant's Cave. Hunt Lesser Giant Soldiers and Lesser Giant Scouts for 10 Power Stones and
10 Nebulite Crystals.
12. Return to Balthazar, then go back to Sir Gustaf again.
13. Talk to Sir Eric Rodemai (Aden).
14. Rodemai sends you to Witch Cleo, across the bridge east of Aden (161K, 21K).
15. Return to Sir Eric Rodemai.
16. Go to the Graveyard and kill Grave Guards until Grave Key Keepers appear. Get 6 keys.
17. Now go just slightly north of "The" in "The Graveyard" (170K, 18K) to find the Imperial Gravekeeper.
He is extremely strong, and it will take quite a few members of your clan to defeat him.
After he drops below half of his HP he will start teleporting your members away. He also summons
4 Imperial Slaves at a time.
18. After you defeat him, an Imperial Coffer appears. Your clan leader must have all 6 keys to open it.
19. Return to Sir Eric, then to Sir Gustaf; give him the Scepterto Judgment. In return you get 250k SP
and the Proof of Aspiration.



Hatchling Quest

Quest that must be completed in order to obtain a pet hatchling. Visit Pet Manager Cooper and tell him that you wish to raise a hatchling as a pet. He will tell you to meet Sage Cronos of Hunters Village for aid.

Start Level

Start Location
Giran Castle Town

Basics: Quest that must be completed in order to obtain a pet hatchling. Visit Pet Manager Cooper and tell him that you wish to raise a hatchling as a pet. He will tell you to meet Wiseman Cronos of Hunters Village for aid.

1. Go to Giran Castle Town and visit Pet Manager Cooper. He is located by the Luxury Shop. He will tell you to go to Hunter’s Village and visit Wiseman Cronos, who is located near the Gatekeeper.

2. Wiseman Cronos preaches a bit about raising a hatchling. He tells you to find the fairies in Enchanted Valley who know all about raising hatchlings.

3. Cronos tells you that you must get a fairy stone. There are two kinds: regular and deluxe. The regular one takes fewer items to make. You will receive a list of the following ingredients depending on which stone version you choose:

Regular Fairy Stone:

10 Coal
10 Charcoal
1 D-gemstone
10 Toad Lord back skins

Deluxe Fairy Stone:
10 Coal
10 Charcoal
1 C-gemstone
1 Stone of Purity
5 Silver nuggets
20 Toad Lord back skins

The "mystery" he speaks of is simply this: you’ll be given fairy dust in exchange for the higher version stone by the fairy. At the end of the quest, turn this in and you’ll get 20 hatchling food.

4. Cronos tells you there is a woman in Dion named Maria who will make the fairy stone for you, once you’ve gathered all the ingredients. Maria can be found in the corner of the Dion Magic Shop.

5. All of the items are easily purchasable except the toad skin. Port to Dion and then go to the Cruma Swamps. Toad Lords hover low in the water and can be found on land. They are usually located in the ring of swamp closest to the tower. At level 36, the Toad Lords are green.

6. When you have collected the skins, go back to Dion and visit Maria who is standing in the corner of the Magic Shop. Have all of the ingredients for the fairy stone in your inventory. Go ahead and click “wait” in the quest box. Basically Maria is putting everything together. She’ll give you either a regular or deluxe fairy stone. For this guide, I chose Deluxe.

7. Take the stone back to Wiseman Cronos in Hunter’s Village. He will tell you to take the completed stone to Guard Byron in Hunter’s Village. He is located near the large entrance to HV.

8. Guard Byron will ask to see the Fairy Stone. He tells you the stone will help attract the fairy. You will need to go to the northern part of Enchanted Valley to find the fairy. The actual location is under the first waterfall you come to. But note: Deluxe Stone users will be told they MUST NOT attack anything on the way to see the fairy. Regular users don’t get this message. If you have a Deluxe Stone getting to the fairy will be fine if, once at the waterfall, you don’t pull the attention of the Satyr inside. The fairy is at one of the three waterfall entrances.

9. Take the Gatekeeper to the Northern part of Enchanted Valley. Run down the slope until you come to the entrance to the waterfall. The fairy Mymyu will be there (there are 3 openings).

10. Give her the fairy stone. She gave me fairy dust because I had the deluxe stone. Explain to her what you are doing, then ask her what happened to the drakes and wyverns. She tells you that drakes and wyverns are looking for their stolen eggs. There are five drakes/wyverns mentioned and their approximate locations:

Drake Exarion – West of Oren on top of a mountain
Drake Kalibran – Southwest of Oren on top of a mountain
Wyvern Suzet – Northwest side of Death Pass near a mountainous region
Wyvern Shamhai – South of Hunter’s Village/low west mountains of Death Pass
Drake Zwov – reservoir east of Lake Iris

11. The fairy gives you a vial of monkshood. For this guide I chose to go for Drake Zwov. Please note the description the fairy gives is lame. It is more accurate to say the drake is located south of Oren. Cross the bridge and follow the river. You cannot access this drake from the Elven Village area. (Drake Zwov is working on Khaos, with Drake Exarion i couln't speak, check out the rest if u wish)

12. Choose to help find the missing eggs. Now, here is where the Little Wing quest might stray for you. Each drake and wyvern has a location where their stolen eggs must be found. So the next part only applies to Drake Zwov.

I was sent back to Cruma March to kill March Spiders and recover 20 of Drake Zwov’s eggs.

13. After getting the 20 eggs, I went back to Drake Zwov. She says I brought back 21 eggs and that one is not hers. Take it to Fairy Mymyu in Enchanted Valley. I gave her the egg and the fairy dust. She gave me 20 hatchling food and a Dragonflute of Wind.


Hatchling to Strider Quest

Little Wing's Big AdventureLast Updated: C4

Start Level

Start Location
Hunter's Village

Step 1: Speak to Old man Chronos in hunter village, he will tell you that you need a lvl 55 strider to begin the quest, and if you already do so, he will arrange an appointment when fairy Mymyu, who is the fairy you received your hatchling from. She is located in Enchanted Valley.

Step 2: Speak with Mymyu, there are some options to choose from which to talk. At the second window, choose the one that doesn't make her run away. Then she will ask you to show how much the Hatchling has grown. After showing her, if she is impressed by it's lvl (55), she will give you 4 magical leaf which are essential to getting your Strider. She will also tell you about the four fairy trees and their guardians.

Step 3: You head out to find the four trees. These four trees are on the north side of the mountain south of hunter village. These four trees are located around the edge of the north side of the mountain, as Mymyu has told you, these trees were planted to keep something from getting over from dragon valley.

Step 4: Getting your hatchling to drink the tree saps. Basicly, just have your hatchling attack the tree, and while it's attacking, kill off the tree guardians. But be very careful to keep 3 things in mind:

(1) NEVER attack the tree or get too close, or else you'll get a uncurable poison (It is curable , but only by very high lvl mages)If you have a healer, then your going to be fine for the quest, but you might die afterwards since the poison lasts very long.

(2) DO NOT KILL THE TREE, if you kill the tree, there will be around 20 spirits coming out of the tree and target most likely, your hatchling. It will be dead in 2 seconds if you kill the tree. And then the spirits will come after you and your party. If you are a very high lvl mage and kill the tree before your hatchling does, it will come after you instead, which then you can heal yourself and have party members or yourself get rid of these pests.

(3) BE PATIENT. Sometimes,the tree is almost dead, but the tree does not take the leaf from you. Do not kill the tree, unless you are prepared to take the harsh poison and the 20 tree spirits. If you can't, sit around and relax as the tree heal itself, or if you are a healer or have one in your party, have it heal the tree and keep letting the hatchling attack it so the tree won't die and the hatchling is still drinking.

Step 5: When your hatchling has finished drinking, you would know it, because the leaf automatically disapears. When the leaf disappears, move onto the next tree. The first tree that you finish drinking it's sap, the tree will talk : " Give me the leaf!" . The next few trees won't talk to you, but the leaves will disappear by itself.

Step 6: Go back to Mymyu and remove all items from your hatchling and show it to her, then remove unsummon it and talk to her again and she will give you a Strider.



Спс за проделаную работу.
Если комуто чтото не понятное в каком либо квесте, пишите поможем:)



Добавлю что разница между Делюкс и обычным камнем в квесте на хатчлинг лиш в том что если сделал Делюкс то нельзя бить мобов в ЕВ.
А насчет Страйдеревского то у нас на сколько я знаю деревья бить хатчлингом не надо а просто с ними поговорить после чего появляютса квест мобы убиваем их и вуаля....



1. DARKSITH, ты бы лучше не отписывался что мол если непонятно поможем..а на русском скинул бы описания)...мне то счас позволительно..с работы пишу и некогда просто выложить квесты...шефа над душой стоит  0:-)
2. ну в делюксовом варианте на хатчлинга по окончании авось еще чутко кормежки дадут али седло еще может), а на страйдера на многих сервах что попадались мне за последнее время квест не был реализован как надо...везде всего-то портепаться надо было ..впрочем тут я не в обиде)))



Muse написал(а):

Если есть желание найти и почитать все это на русском - l2db.ru, l2aw.ru, l2info.ru



Где там 9 кровавых тряпок то дают покажите мне!!!!! рррр

Зачем людей зря изводить :(((
Там если покрасил тряпку и отдал ее телке она дает помоему 10 тряпок новых... или чето типо того точно не помню



Muse написал(а):

Если есть желание найти и почитать все это на русском - l2db.ru, l2aw.ru, l2info.ru

поправочка l2info.net =)



http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/li … p?view=loc и больше ничего не надо.


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